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How It Works

What is the Nailboo Squad?

A: The Nailboo Squad is our Loyalty & Rewards program that allows you to earn points on your purchases, reviews, and more! You can redeem your points for rewards, discounts, and exclusive Nailboo products! To become a member, or to learn more, please

When can I start redeeming my Nailboo Squad Points?

A: You can start redeeming your points for discount once you reach 100 points, which would equal $5 off your order. You can also redeem points for free products, which some start at just 80 points.

Do my points expire?

A: Yes, points expire after 12 months of account inactivity. To remain active, you must earn or redeem points.

When will I get my birthday discount?

A: If you sign up and set your birthday to more than 30 days away, there is no issue. You will receive the reward on your birthday. If you sign up and set your birthday to less than 30 days away, you will need to fulfill a waiting period of 30 days f

Are my free gifts refundable or exchangable?

A: No, unfortunately we cannot refund or exchange free products unless your products arrived damaged.

I referred a friend but did not receive my reward. Why?

A: Your friend must make their first purchase using your referral link in order to receive your referral points. Be sure to remind your friend to make their purchase!.

When do I see my points adjustment?

A: Points earned with each purchase are updated once your order is fully processed. Points earned using other program benefits may be reflected immediately in your account, with the exception of referrals. If you have additional questions about point

How do I get to the next level of the Nailboo Squad?

A: You are automatically enrolled in our VIP level. In order to reach our Royalty level, you must spend at least $250 within 12 months. In order to reach our Elite level, you must spend $500 within 12 months. Please note, you will be moved to your ne

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